What People Have to Say About Working With Me

In the course of my coaching work, I've been able to help many good people from all across the world. Here is what some of those people had to say about our time together. If you recognize your own situation in some of their words, perhaps you'll reach out to me next. I'd love to talk to you.

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Melissa, United Kingdom

“Michael was the only person I could reach out to who had been through what I’m going through and totally understands how difficult it is. His delightful, calm, and encouraging manner was exactly what I needed. I enjoyed the wealth of information that Michael was able to share. He gave me valuable pointers to help me on my way, and I would really recommend his coaching services to others.”

Eric, Michigan

“I really enjoyed my coaching sessions with Michael and looked forward to each call. He is very easy to talk to and offers very good advice. Our conversations gave me hope and coping skills, and his follow-up notes and progress plan were very helpful; I reference them often to stay on track. I found it comforting talking to someone who has been through this and really understands the struggle. I now look at withdrawal as something that can be overcome, something that I can heal from. I felt very comfortable talking to Michael, and I would recommend his coaching services to others going through the withdrawal and healing process.”

Erikka, South Dakota

“I learned a lot from Michael. At first I was so confused by withdrawal (wondering what I was going through and if I would be this way permanently), but Michael helped me to realize that we do heal and that things do get better. I had a lot of worries, but he helped to ease my mind and he gave me positive feedback regarding how to approach each day in this process. Michael has a caring heart, and I would 100 percent recommend his coaching to others going through this.”

"Michael's coaching is truly a game-changing experience."

Alex, California

Salem, United Arab Emirates

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I was looking for someone who went through what I’m going through and emerged stronger. Michael’s voice, whether it’s in his videos or through coaching, has always been a reasonable and reassuring one. He has tremendous insight about the inner workings of succeeding in this (not just about the mechanics of the process of withdrawal, which can be found in plenty of places online). Withdrawing from medication is one of the hardest things we can do, and mindset is the most important thing in this endeavor. Michael’s work provides valuable ideas about that side of the process, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Yasmin, Cairo, Egypt

“I came across Michael’s videos by chance while looking up information on prescription drug withdrawal. I found his YouTube videos to be very informative, honest, and consoling. I was watching one after the other and even converted the sound on the videos to MP3 so that I could listen to his advice while going for walks. That was very soothing for me, and therefore I decided to try his coaching services. Great decision.

"Michael is a great and patient listener, and during our time together I felt that he sincerely cared about my healing progress and had genuine empathy for all those going through withdrawal. He is a positive-minded individual who disseminates hope, and I appreciated the useful, personalized follow-up notes he sent after our session. Most certainly I would recommend his coaching.”

Roisin, Ireland

"I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I found his YouTube videos when searching for answers about dealing with withdrawal. The videos are so impressive—especially when doctors don’t have the answers—the positivity and optimism in them makes people forget about symptoms for a while! I enjoyed my time with Michael because I was able to talk with someone who had experienced the situation I was going through. Michael’s positive approach to the subject matter made me feel more optimistic, and I would recommend his coaching to anyone who needs help.”

David, Washington D.C.

“My conversations with Michael encouraged me. I enjoyed his transparency, intelligence, and kindness, and I would without question recommend his coaching services to others in this situation.” 

Irene, Washington State

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I’d heard good responses from others whom he had coached. I enjoyed working with Michael because he knew exactly how I felt and was prompt with replies to my questions. I would absolutely recommend his coaching to others.”

Ahmad, Saudi Arabia

“Michael is a great listener and great advisor. He is full of inspiration, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

"Michael helped me in a way that no doctor or therapist has been able to! His personal experience combined with his optimistic, constructive input and guidance is priceless."

Shelly, Ohio

Kelvin, Arizona

“Michael’s videos [and story] inspired me. I decided to try his coaching because he’d been through tough times with anxiety and withdrawal, and he found his own way forward with few guidelines and little medical assistance. I enjoyed Michael’s caring attitude and his practical ideas and suggestions, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Mary, New Zeeland

“Michael is very personable and easy to chat with. Although his videos on The Lovely Grind’s YouTube channel are excellent, I realized after watching them that I needed more—I realized I needed an active approach [to coping and healing] with support rather than just passively watching videos. My sessions with Michael gave me advice, empathy, validation, and direction, and I would absolutely recommend his coaching to others.”

Keith, Ohio

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services after watching several of his YouTube videos. It was apparent that he’d really been through withdrawal himself and wanted to help others with healing. I enjoyed Michael’s calm, positive, and understanding attitude, and I would definitely recommend his coaching to someone I care about.”

Andrew, Massachusetts

“I reached out to Michael about his coaching after seeing him on YouTube talking about his struggles with panic attacks and the use of anxiety/depression medication. I was in the same boat, but I felt as if I was sinking whereas Michael seemed to have righted his ship. It was so good to talk to someone who had suffered through anxiety and had once found temporary relief in benzodiazepine medications, but ultimately decided to find a different path—one that took his mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing into his own hands. And he was encouraging that I could do the same, beginning with setting small goals.

"If you are feeling lost and confused in the dark wilderness of anxiety, panic, or depression, I would recommend reaching out to Michael and telling him your story. He can help to point you in the direction of your own healthier and happier life.”

Kobi, Philadelphia

“When I started the first of my taper attempts with Klonopin and Paxil, I came off the medications too rapidly and was struggling immensely. I was driving food delivery at the time, and one day when I felt I wasn’t going to make it through my work shift, I searched benzo inspiration on YouTube and found Michael’s videos. I listened to one of the videos through the car speakers while driving, and I felt hopeful for the first time in a long time. Michael has a very hopeful and powerful mindset that definitely transfers onto me [lifting me up when I’m tempted to feel hopeless].

By talking to Michael and watching his videos, I’ve gained the strength to continue moving forward. Being able to speak with someone like him, who has been through the ordeal of withdrawal and come out on the other side, helps immensely. I enjoyed the calming and helpful devotionals and follow-up notes he sent me after our coaching, and I would 100 percent recommend his services to others.”

James, Missouri

“Prescription drug withdrawal is a very under-the-radar battle that SO many people face in silence with littler support or understanding. I decided to try Michael coaching services because I wanted to find someone who had gone through the withdrawal process to be my guide—to have empathy, and to coach me through supplementation recommendations, lifestyle change recommendations, and daily challenges. I also liked the fact that he incorporated a spiritual healing element to his approach.

“Because of my conversations with Michael, I am more confident in my decisions and my long-term view on the [withdrawal and healing] process. He has been though withdrawal and spoken with people going through it, and that makes him a [unique] source of wisdom and experience. Michael’s positive attitude and outlook are comforting, and I would absolutely recommend his coaching to others who are going through this process.”

"Michael is relatable and nonjudgemental. Support like this is invaluable."

Leanne, Canada

Tonya, Minnesota

“Michael helped me to see some key points [about my situation] that I hadn’t seen before, which is helpful to my recovery. He was understanding and listened to everything I needed to say, plus some. Michael is easygoing, which makes the connection comfortable, and I would definitely recommend his coaching to anyone going through withdrawal.”

Mitchell, Ohio

“I enjoyed Michael’s experience and understanding. I enjoyed [his attitude] of non-judgment and genuine concern. I decided to try his coaching because I needed to talk to someone who had gone through what I was going through and was able to come out on the other side stronger. I needed someone who could relate to my vision of wanting to get off antidepressants and thrive without them. I enjoyed the ease of my conversations with Michael, and his sincere desire to be helpful, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Ryan, Arizona

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I liked how he approached the subject [of withdrawal and healing], not focusing on the negative stuff but rather focusing on the positive improvements. Michael is a good listener, he has a calm demeanor, and I would recommend his coaching sessions to anyone struggling with withdrawal.”

Shelly, Ohio

“Michael helped me in a way that no doctor or therapist has been able to! His personal experience combined with his optimistic, constructive input and guidance is priceless. I highly recommend his coaching sessions to anyone going through withdrawal.” 

Josh, Oregon

“I feel like Michael’s been through something similar to what I’m going through, so his advice and encouragement carry a lot of weight. I was happy to come away from the coaching with some concrete advice and goals to work on, and I would recommend Michael’s services to others.” 

Ronald, Oklahoma

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because his story seemed similar to mine. I wanted to hear about [the progression of his healing journey] and his perspective on mine. Michael is professional and considerate, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

"I’d tried other counselors, but they couldn’t understand the root of the problem and just caused frustration by suggesting things that were not helpful to my situation. Michael's been there and understands."

Amy, Ohio

Gemma, United Kingdom

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services after I had watched many of his videos; those brought me such reassurance, and I really wanted to connect with him one on one. It was just such a relief to speak to someone about withdrawal, knowing he believed me and could completely sympathize with what I had been feeling and going through. I would 100 percent recommend Michael’s coaching to others.”

Marie, New York

“Michael recognizes that every individual is different, so he doesn’t push any agenda. I feel that he really listened and really cared what I had to say. I like his holistic approach [to healing and wellness], which includes things such as diet, exercise, work/life balance, spirituality, etc., as tools for recovery. I also appreciate the fact that he shares his life experiences, which helps others to feel less alone in their struggles. I feel the service he provides is well worth the fee, and I would definitely recommend his coaching services to others without question.”

Jackie, Idaho

“Michael’s were the first positive messages I found regarding withdrawal, and they really spoke to me at a time when I needed it most. This can be an incredibly isolating experience, and our session reminded me that I am not alone in the process. Michael helped to push away the darkness and fear. After talking with him, my anxiety level has steadily decreased. I now know I will find healing, and I don’t need to be afraid. I would definitely recommend Michael’s coaching to anyone.”

Kim, United Kingdom

“Michael listens and is very supportive, offering encouragement and guidance that goes beyond any other therapy or GP. I decided to contact Michael because I wanted support to get through a setback that had been intense and completely taken my strength. Because of Michael I am starting to have hope and am slowly regaining my sense of self-worth. He offers constructive tools to help people come back from the traumatic ordeal of prescription drug withdrawal. He has been through the same process himself, which is extremely important, and he can relate to you.

“Michael has great compassion and empathy, making it his goal to support you all the way. He also sends follow-up notes which are extremely helpful. Those notes help to remind me of the encouragements and advice that was offered during the session, which is helpful if I’ve forgotten something because I was very emotional at the time. I would recommend Michael 100 percent. He is kind, reassuring, and has a positive approach. I feel safe, encouraged, and validated knowing that Michael is walking with me step by step to regain my wellness.”

Joyce, Pennsylvania

“I decided to contact Michael because I was suffering horrible withdrawal symptoms, and after doing extensive online research that included watching his videos and reviewing the literature from his website, I believed he would be the most helpful with my medication tapering endeavor. It was important to work with someone who knew both the terrors [of withdrawal symptoms] and the hope needed for the tapering process. I had previously been terrified that I would remain in a very dark hole, but Michael normalized my experience and gave me a framework [for moving forward].

“Michael is warm, compassionate, and wise, and most importantly he knows this process from a firsthand perspective. I enjoyed many different things about working with Michael. He provided reassurance and direction, and his counsel opened up the door for hope and determination. Also, his summary notes were invaluable, as were the supporting spiritual resources he provided. I would absolutely recommend his coaching services with a resounding yes!”

Emma, United Kingdom

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services because he had managed to keep working during his taper and withdrawal experiences, and for me, it was essential to keep working during this process. Our coaching sessions felt like they allowed me to follow in the footsteps of someone who was further down this road, someone who had come through the things I’m facing.

"I really enjoyed the care that Michael put into every contact with me. I appreciate how he shared his own experiences, found out about my overall context, and made direct suggestions; it was so important to believe that I was not losing control of my mind and body and that I could carry on with living while going through the process. It was also helpful to set goals and a plan and check back in on these things. Michael’s coaching is very professional and authentic, and I would highly recommend him to anyone who is going through the withdrawal and healing process.”

"Michael has true answers and guidance."

Ram, Arizona

John, Massachustes

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services because I wanted to speak directly with someone who had been through the [withdrawal] process; I thought that would be more beneficial than just reading about others’ struggles and successes. Although other websites and videos didn’t have enough specific information about Paxil, Michael seemed in tune with the specific difficulties of Paxil withdrawal (which is the SSRI both he and I stopped taking).

“My conversations with Michael make the recovery process more bearable, and his follow-up notes encourage me and help me to refocus when I’m having a challenging period. I would most definitely recommend his coaching services to others who are going through the withdrawal and healing process.”

Courtney, Minnesota

“I was so relieved and grateful to find Michael’ coaching program as I was looking for support titrating off my antidepressant. I enjoyed how easygoing Michael is, and I liked how he made me feel comforted and empowered to continue pushing forward. Maybe it is because we’re both from the Midwest, but I found his laid back and positive attitude to be so comforting while talking about something as deep and challenging as getting off of antidepressants.

“It was so useful to feel the support of someone who has truly walked this journey and can help to validate both the small and big thoughts and feelings one goes through during withdrawal. Doctors can only guess at this experience, so it really is a whole different ballgame when someone can encourage you who is has personally known the emotional and physical symptoms. I would absolutely recommend Michael’s coaching to friends and family, and I already have!”

Catherine, Virginia

“I decided to use Michael’s coaching services because he seemed very genuine and trustworthy. After speaking with him a couple of times, I realized that I am strong enough to overcome certain obstacles, but also realized that I need not rush the process [of becoming medication free]. It was comforting talking to Michael about my withdrawal issues so that I could realize that what I’m going through is common, and it was also useful that Michael took the time to give me feedback in specific areas—like making a schedule and forming realistic expectations for myself.

"Michael gave me more useful feedback than a lot of mental health counselors I’ve had. Michael has helped me, and I hope he continued to help others. I would definitely recommend his coaching services.”

Onyeka, Nigeria, West Africa

“It was a no brainer to contact Michael. I had noted a lot of positive comments from others who were familiar with his coaching sessions, and I was convinced that I would get some firsthand insight from him. The uncanny similarities of our recovery situations was really a morale boost for me, and I would definitely recommend Michael’s coaching to anyone on this pathway.”

Amy, Ohio

“Michael’s been there and understands. [Prior to working with Michael] I’d tried other counselors, but they couldn’t understand the root of the problem and just caused frustration by suggesting things that were not helpful to my situation. Most everyone in the counseling and medical fields seem to be in denial that [prescription drug withdrawal] could happen or be severe, so its wonderful to find someone who validates the truth. I appreciated Michael’s encouragement—assurance that comes from someone who’s passed through the storm—and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Jon, British Columbia

“I contacted Michael for [withdrawal] coaching because he has the ultimate credential of having been through it all himself! I liked his warm, empathetic manner. He is easy to talk to, and I felt as if he were a family member in his warm caring toward me. Michael has a very reassuring way of communicating, and I would highly recommend him to anyone needing withdrawal advice and coaching.”

"Michael has a caring heart, and I would 100 percent recommend his coaching to others."

Erikka, South Dakota

Robin, Canada

“Michael has been through it. He knows how hard this journey is and has seen the light at the end of the tunnel. The fact that he is a “real person” who speaks [from a place of experience] is important. He has compassion and understanding and is very empathetic. His suggestions come from the heart, from a place of genuine concern. He’s also very flexible in his approach and works with what works best for you. Michael’s compassion and understanding can really help to paint a picture of the real withdrawal [and healing] experience, and I would absolutely, absolutely recommend his coaching to others.”

Christina, Kentucky

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I felt very unsupported by the medical community, and sometimes my family, and I wanted perspective from someone who’d been through this. Because of our conversations I try to see this [withdrawal and healing] more as a process and less as a sentence. I try to celebrate the small healings and accomplishments rather than [becoming overwhelmed by] focusing on the end result.

“I feel that Michael is genuine in his concern for those of us going through withdrawal. He is sympathetic and encouraging, and he provides insight that helps keep people on track during difficult and painful times. I would absolutely recommend his coaching to anyone going through this process.”

Kim, California

“It can be frustrating having to deal with [withdrawal] symptoms for months on end and getting next to no support from doctors or anyone in the medical community (people who for the most part are clueless). Simply getting a chance to speak with Michael—someone who has gone through what I have and is able to offer support—was comforting. I also really enjoyed his follow-up notes. They were insightful and helped me to consider things I hadn’t thought of. I very much enjoyed working with Michael, and I would recommend his coaching to anyone who is going through this process and looking for support.”

Andi, North Carolina

“No one else is doing what Michael is doing. It truly is a ministry! Michael is willing to make himself vulnerable to help others during their journey in the valley. He is very easy to talk to (I felt like I had known him forever), and I would most definitely recommend his coaching to others.”

Alex, California

“Michael’s coaching is truly a game-changing experience. I appreciate the level of understanding he brings … tons of knowledge on how to survive the days and get closer to recovery. When you finally get to look someone in the face and know they understand exactly what you’re going through, it can bring a different level of comfort; that is what Michael’s coaching provided me, and without a doubt I would recommend it to everyone going through this.”

Lydia, Wisconsin

“I felt that Michael really, actively listened and understood what I was saying during our time together. His responses helped me to see a potential bigger picture than what I could envision on my own. Michael’s expertise was very helpful, his calm demeanor made me feel hopeful, and I would recommend that others going through the withdrawal and healing situation contact him.”

"Michael gave me tremendous hope and motivation to keep on going, which is hard to come by in this process. I would 1,000 percent recommend his coaching  services."

Adam, California

Cate, Toronto

“I’d watched many of Michael’s YouTube videos while I was in the dark night of withdrawal, and I was drawn in by his positive approach and by the fact that he wasn’t afraid to call himself  a Christian. His references to God and spirituality told me that he was authentic and brave. His coaching gave me hope that healing happens, but it also taught me to pace myself wisely and not to always expect changes overnight. Michael’s empathy is real, his real-life experience is comforting and useful, and I would definitely recommend his coaching sessions to others.”

Adam, California

“When Michael and I spoke I was ready to reinstate with a new medication, but our session stopped me from going down that path. I still struggle, but I’m glad I didn’t take that pill. Michael was able to relate to my situation, and he helped me to normalize what I was experiencing in withdrawal. He gave me tremendous hope and motivation to keep on going, which is hard to come by in this experience. I would 1000 percent recommend his coaching services to anyone going through the withdrawal process.”

Leanne, Ontario

“Michael is relatable and non-judgemental. I liked his positivity and follow-up notes. He provided good support overall. I believe that if a person really wants to withdrawal from medication, then support like this, from someone who has personal experience, is invaluable, and for that reason I would recommend Michael’s coaching to others going through this process.”

Brett, California

“I enjoy my coaching sessions with Michael because he is empathetic, compassionate, and a great listener. He is also very encouraging and motivating, and his follow-up notes are invaluable. I would absolutely recommend his services to anyone out there who is going through tapering or withdrawal.”

Miguel, Atlanta

“Because of Michael’s own experiences, he knows what serves and what damages. He helped me to control my intake of negative information, he made me more optimistic, and he gave me a sense of the “whole [healing] picture.” Michael is a good listener and his comments are very precise. I would definitely recommend his coaching to others going through withdrawal.”

Steven, New York

“I started working with Michael during my taper because I was having difficulty coping with my withdrawal symptoms and functioning the way I wanted to. After a few sessions with Michael, I have a much healthier attitude toward my symptoms. … This has given me more comfort and peace during a difficult time. I would recommend Michael for anyone in a similar position.”

"Michael has great compassion and empathy, making it his goal to support you all the way."

Kim, United Kingdom

Brooke, Ohio

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services because he seemed very encouraging in his YouTube videos. He too went through an intense withdrawal with many symptoms, and during sessions he often talks about his experiences and the coping skills that helped him to survive and improve. His Personalized Progress Plan and session notes are extremely helpful—not many coaches online do that sort of thing at all—and I refer back to that “care package” from him quite a bit. I definitely feel more encouraged after getting off the phone with Michael, and I would absolutely, 100 percent, recommend his coaching services to someone who is going through withdrawal.”

Chris, Florida

“Michael is a very compassionate guy with a dedication to helping people get through seemingly impossible challenges. Knowing that there are people out there [like him—people] who are willing to at least listen to your problems and provide validation—is incredibly comforting, empowering, and I assume sometimes lifesaving. This kind of support I have yet to find from most doctors. Therapists have been helpful, but they have not gone through anything like [withdrawal], so they cannot empathize at all with your current plight.

“I enjoyed discussing my experiences with Michael because he had gone through something similar and found a way through the hopelessness and make it to the other side: knowing that is at least possible has given me the motivation not to give up. It helped to express my situation to Michael, and I would recommend his coaching to others going through the withdrawal and healing process. I believe that anyone in this situation could benefit from his services and emotional support.”

Kathy, California

“I initially decided to work with Michael because I was seeking support from someone who had gone through withdrawal themselves. I had watched some of his YouTube videos and appreciated his insight, sensitivity, and holistic approach to healing. I also liked the fact that he emphasized spirituality and daily devotions as important tools in the process. Because of Michael I feel supported and not so alone. It’s comforting to talk to someone who has gone through the same ordeal and actually healed from it. The feedback that Michael sends after our talks is very useful and encouraging, and I would definitely recommend his services to anyone going through withdrawal. He is a wonderful resource that I hope more people use!”

Greg, South Africa

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services because I wanted to talk to someone who had been through benzo withdrawal and healed. I found Michael to be a balanced and well-rounded guy who spoke factually. He saw the deeper meaning in this withdrawal process, and he assisted me in viewing the “smaller” things in a different light (e.g., no matter how many symptoms I have when my child is born [in a few months], I’ll be better equipped for being a good father than I would have been still on the drugs). I would surely recommend Michael’s coaching services to others going through this process.”

Ram, Arizona

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services because of how positive and encouraging he was on his YouTube channel. Since working with him my outlook on withdrawal and healing has improved a lot. I still have days that are tough in the mornings or at work, but I always refer back to what Michael coached me on in the past regarding dealing with such times during the recovery and healing process. I enjoy working with Michael because he takes his time answering each of my questions in detail.

"Michael has true answers and guidance. It is comforting being coached by someone who understands my symptoms, and also Michael is a very compassionate person. I would definitely recommend his services to a person in need of help during the withdrawal process.”

John, Washington

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because, in his videos, he seemed so honest, relatable, upbeat, hopeful, and knowledgeable. I believe I got more out of Michael’s videos and coaching than I got from years of professional counseling. It is very comforting talking to him because it is like talking to a very knowledgeable, long-time, close friend. I have more hope for the future after talking to Michael, and that helps me to survive the times when I am feeling blue. I would recommend his coaching to those going through the withdrawal and healing process.”

"Michael is easy to talk to, and I felt as if he were a family member in his warm caring toward me. Michael has a very reassuring way of communicating, and I would highly recommend him to anyone.”

Jon, British Columbia, Canada

Linda, Maryland

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services because I was struggling and needed to know that I could feel better if I “stuck it out.” The knowledge that I can heal has kept me from going back on meds. Michael’s tips have helped me, and I would recommend his coaching services to others going through this process.”

Jose, Florida

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I needed to talk to someone who had experienced and could relate to what I was going through. In his videos, he seemed smart and logical, like someone who could help me. Because of our sessions, I am more optimistic. Michael is empathetic and understanding, and I always feel better after our talks; his follow-up notes are very useful, too. I would recommend his coaching to others who are going through this process.”

Tim, Maryland

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services because I wanted insight and coping skills from someone who had experienced withdrawal. I enjoy Michael’s calm manner and direct approach, and his follow-up notes are great. I would recommend his coaching services to others going through this process.”

Peter, California

“Talking with Michael gave me reassurance from someone who had already gone through the hell I’m going through. I appreciated that he had withdrawn from both an SSRI and a benzo, like me, and his reassurance that I will eventually get better was very helpful to my outlook. Michael is very comforting and thoughtful, and I would recommend his coaching to others going through this process.”

Josh, California

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I was scared and nervous that I wasn’t healing; I wanted to talk with someone who could help me understand what was going on. My conversations with Michael allowed me to feel a little more comfortable that I would be okay. Michael is very professional and … knowledgeable about benzo withdrawal and how to heal and cope. I would recommend his coaching to others going through the withdrawal and healing process.” 

"Michael is a great and patient listener, and during our time together I felt that he sincerely cared about my healing progress. He is a positive-minded individual who disseminates hope, and I  would recommend his coaching.”

Yasmin, Cairo, Egypt

Tracy, California

“I reached out to Michael because, not only did he go through the withdrawal experience himself, but he was guided by his faith. That was very important to me, to speak with someone who had been though it and sought healing from something higher than himself. Michael is warm and friendly and speaks about this experience from many different angles. Whereas most people only address symptoms, he truly understands all aspect of what we are going through, and that is comforting. I would recommend Michael many times over.”

Diane, Washington

“I was taking Sertaline for a couple of months but feeling emotionally numb. I was looking for ways to taper the medication and found The Lovely Grind on YouTube. In Michael’s videos, I could feel the honesty, care, and faith, and so I decided to contact him for coaching. Michael is calm, attentive, and caring. He asks appropriate questions and follows-up after sessions with detailed emails. Because of his own experience, Michael is able to give me a heads-up regarding things I might expect during medication tapering, and that helps to lessen my fears. Michael’s faith in God is another important factor which contributes to the trust in our relationship. I am delighted to have Michael helping me in my journey, and I would recommend The Lovely Grind coaching to friends and family in a heartbeat.”

Denise, Colorado

“I’d tried many different avenues throughout this experience—my doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist—but most were disappointing. I felt very alone in this process … and I decided to reach out to Michael after reading one of his articles online, which really resonated with me. It’s amazing how a few key words or phrases can change your outlook and perspective. Sometimes I feel like I’m such an anomaly and out of the realm of the real world, but Michael normalizes the experience. His approach is one that is less “alarming.” Michael focuses on simple, easy truths, and I would absolutely recommend his coaching to others.”

Danielle, Maryland

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I’d been watching his YouTube videos and felt like I could use some additional encouragement and a different perspective while my therapist was out on maternity leave. Because of my conversations with Michael I’ve felt further encouraged and supported; it’s nice to not feel so alone. Michael is patient and a good listener. I like his calm, empathetic approach, and I would recommend his coaching to others going through the withdrawal and healing process.”

Elyssa, Florida

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because he was so positive in his videos, and because he believed in a [holistic] approach to healing, not just time. When Michael and I talk he gives me a lot of hope. He has many great ideas to help healing along, and when he sends his [follow-up] notes that is always something positive I can refer back to. He is encouraging and intelligent, and I would 100 percent recommend his services to others going through the withdrawal process. I already do!”

Bo Chen, China

“When I found out my son was one week into stopping his depression medication cold turkey, I was concerned. I looked up “how to get off Seroquel” on YouTube, and after watching a number of clips, I saw Michael’s video, “Ignore the Horror Stories.” I felt Michael was speaking from his heart in an objective and insightful way. After reading his “About Me” section on his Lovely Grind website, and after reading the many testimonials [given about his coaching from others], I had further confidence that I could gather some helpful insights from him. I enjoyed Michael’s sincerity and objectivity. I felt his insights were useful, I feel his vocation is noble and worthwhile, and I would gladly recommend his coaching to others.”

Erin, Vermont

“I decided to pursue Michael’s services because how he coaches is most in alignment with my values and what I believe is ultimately the answer to most things in life … cultivating “the middle way.” Michaels’ approach to recovery is one of balance. He coaches from a place within “the middle,” instead of extremes. I believe that many of us survivors have been living in a place of extremes for a while. With Michael’s support, I am discovering that recover occurs as we patiently and compassionately learn how to guide the pendulum that is our nervous system back into the middle way. I would absolutely recommend utilizing Michael Priebe’s coaching as a tool for your recovery toolkit.”

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Tiffany, Indiana

“Michael is a real person who has survived prescription drug withdrawal, and that is who I wanted to talk to - someone who had survived what I am going through. I enjoyed my conversation with Michael, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Lois, Minnesota

“Michael knows what he is talking about and has a kindly demeanor.”


Kumar, Toronto

“Michael’s website and healing YouTube videos helped me a lot, and I decided to try his coaching services because he himself had experience going through the withdrawal process. The kind of reassurance I received from Michael based on his own journey made me enjoy working with him, and I would definitely recommend his coaching to an acquaintance or loved one.”

Sarah, Australia

“Of course I would recommend Michael’s coaching! I first decided to reach out to him after watching his YouTube videos, which I found informative and uplifting, and then learning a little more about him and his story. I enjoyed working with Michael and found the information he provided very helpful. I enjoyed the heart-felt conversations we had and how it felt more like a friendly talk rather than a formal coaching session. I would 100 percent recommend his services to anyone who is suffering through prescription drug withdrawal, or even to someone who wants more information on prescription drug withdrawal for someone they know.”


Roy, Indiana

“I was drawn to Michael’s honesty, openness, and willingness to share his experiences. In watching his videos, I felt as if he had experienced a lot of what I was going through and therefore could help me to understand the withdrawal and healing process. I was also drawn to Christianity being a centerpiece of his healing and life. That was important for me. I enjoyed Michael’s vulnerability and encouragement. The easygoing way he has about him made it easy to open up and talk about what I am dealing with, and his devotionals, e-books, and other writings have been really helpful as well. Without question I would recommend Michael’s coaching. Talking with someone who understands your pain and hurt and can tell you from experience what to expect and that you will heal is powerful. This withdrawal experience is one of the most difficult things I’ve had to overcome in my life, and the power of feeling like someone is walking with you through it is worth every penny!”

J.W. Los Angeles

“I started working with Michael because I needed guidance through the benzo withdrawal process. Instead of seeking out a “regular” therapist, I sought out someone who specialized in the withdrawal process. Michael has been through it and could relate to my symptoms and experiences. Michael is great. I enjoy his insight, his positive demeanor, and his outlook. Our sessions are very calming and informative, and I always feel better, I feel relieved, after we’re through talking. I’m glad I sought out Michael, and I would definitely recommend him to anyone going through the withdrawal process.”


"This withdrawal experience is one of the most difficult things I've had to overcome in my life, and the power of feeling like someone is walking with you through it is worthy every penny!"

Roy, Indiana

Mark, North Carolina

“I found Michael’s YouTube videos to be very helpful and encouraging, and then I decided to reach out to him about coaching. Michael is very laid back, patient, and personable. I appreciate the fact that he has gone through the same withdrawal and has wisdom to guide others in finding their own healing. I would definitely recommend his coaching services to anyone going through prescription drug withdrawal.”


Carolina, California

“Michael is a force of nature. He’s amazing and his message should be spread far and wide. Not only did he overcome the suffering that can come with prescription drug withdrawal, but he then went on to courageously share his story to help others. He is one of the few voices in the withdrawal community that provides unwavering hope and inspiration. His videos, blog posts, and coaching gave me what I needed to make it through each day. He showed it was possible to heal, and I can’t thank him enough!”

Samantha, Trinidad & Tobago

“Michael’s story and journey inspired me, and I reached out to him because I felt he would be able to help me work through some things I was unsure about. My own journey is a very complex one with many different elements. I often feel like it is too much for some people, but Michael listened attentively. I enjoyed Michael’s pleasant character and the way he listened, and I would definitely recommend his coaching.”

Richard, New York

“I enjoyed working with Michael because he listened to my story and wasn’t judgmental about my situation, even though my situation is a lot to hear because it is complicated. Michael is an inspiration for me to get well, and I would definitely recommend his coaching to others.”

Tom, United Kingdom

“I feel heard and validated [talking to Michael], and I have never really got that from a healthcare professional. I have also benefited from the messages Michael sends as a follow-up (after sessions); I find them insightful and often to the point. They provide a sense of feeling buoyed or lifted up somehow … like I’m doing the right things and going in the right direction to succeed in coming off meds. I would definitely recommend Michael’s services to others. I think that they are affordable, as I prioritize spending money on my wellbeing over anything else. If you value health and wellbeing, Michael’s coaching is worth it.”

Gerben, The Netherlands

“I was desperately looking for some help, so I browsed the Web. I found a lot of scary stuff, but then I came across Michael’s YouTube videos, which was where I finally found positive words. I enjoy working with Michael because he listens very well. People in withdrawal are a little panicky and need to talk about there symptoms and vent a bit, and Michael listens to every word. My sessions with Michael give me a good feeling and make me feel understood, and I would for sure recommend his coaching to others.”

"Michael is great to talk to, and I felt like we could talk forever during our sessions. He LISTENS well. He is attentive and very encouraging during sessions, and his notes are detailed and simply awesome. "

Biljana, Washington State

Kelly, Sicily

“Michael has great advice, and genuine warmth and care. He is a natural healer and a true inspiration to anyone going through this withdrawal process. After seeing his videos and website, I finally felt there was a light at the end of the tunnel—I could feel that radiating from him. I also knew, Michael “got it,” what it feels like to go through this process. Being able to share my story [with him] and talk through my feelings, knowing I am not alone in this, is priceless, and I would highly recommend his coaching service.”

Erin, Vermont

“Michael is such a great coach because of what he has had the courage to endure. He talks the talk because he’s walked the walk. He is kind, compassionate, and quite wise, and my fearful amygdala found safety in our work together. I felt “oddly” comfortable being completely honest and vulnerable with Michael, despite only working with him for a few months. During this withdrawal experience I have a tendency to shut down when I encounter tidal waves, and yet I found myself reaching out to Michael when I felt like I was falling out of balance. I respect Michael for the pain he has endured to get to the other side. I feel able to trust his guidance because of this, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Biljana, Washington State

“I had not been helped by doctors or western medicine, but Michael had an incredible story, a successful one, and I wanted to go that route, to learn other ways to cope. Michael is great to talk to, and I felt like we could talk forever during our sessions. He LISTENS well. He is attentive and very encouraging during sessions, and his notes are detailed and simply awesome. Michael is like the best friend we all need in our life, and I would absolutely recommend his coaching.”

"Michael's services were an answer to my prayers. He listens to me and validates my feelings, and he is reassuring and spiritual. Michael has a love for God and will truly help you through withdrawal and be your greatest support."

Michelle, Idaho

Loomis, Seattle

“I decided to try Coach Priebe’s services on the strength of his Lovely Grind YouTube videos, which were recommended to me by a friend in benzo recovery. My first impressions of Michael were of a warm and compassionate survivor who possessed a tremendous amount of inner strength. I sensed a hard-earned wisdom and deep empathy that I felt could benefit my own recovery process. I also admired his message, which fundamentally combines overall mental and physical health with a spiritual outlook that is authentic and inspiring.

“Without reservation I would recommend Michael’s coaching to others in need. I firmly believe that any individual struggling with benzo withdrawal, in whatever stage of the journey, would be greatly, healthily influenced by Michael and his content, which in my opinion is worth its weight in gold.”

Nate, Wisconsin

“Once I decided to quit antidepressants, I spent hours finding articles and information that would be important and helpful in my journey to wholeness.  I learned of Michael quite by “chance,” and was impressed with his emails and videos. Michael’s warm, transparent manner is refreshing, and his personal experience in withdrawal is especially important to me.  I’ve been impressed by his listening ear and his wisdom.  After years of antidepressants and many doctor visits (including psychiatrists) I found Michael to be a “breath of fresh air” who was very willing to share his own experiences as a part of his coaching.  I can’t find words to thank him enough for his support and encouragement as I continue on this very painful but important journey.  I highly recommend him to anyone who wants to put the antidepressant life behind them and live more fully. He will meet you where you’re at and encourage you all the way.”


Ryan, South Carolina

“There are so few people who understand withdrawal healing, and its paramount to speak to someone [like Michael] who’s been there. During my time with Michael, I particularly enjoyed hearing that withdrawal doesn’t need to be all black and white: listen to your body and don’t limit your life. Continue to keep on living during difficult times. I enjoy Michael’s message of hope and healing, and as a fellow believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I also enjoy his faith based approach. Absolutely I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Michelle, Idaho

“Michael’s services were an answer to my prayers. I was in a bad place and had lost all hope about being able to successfully withdraw from antianxiety medication. I was looking for answers and support but only finding negative and scary stories online. Until I came across one of Michael’s YouTube videos entitled Withdrawal: Ignore the Horror Stories. The video resonated with me and gave me hope for my future, and I wanted to work with Michael because he had been through the withdrawal process and could understand what I was going through. Also, I liked his positivity and could tell he was warm and compassionate. I have really enjoyed working with Michael. He listens to me and validates my feelings, and he is reassuring and spiritual. He has a love for God and will truly help you through the process of withdrawal and be your greatest support.”

Stephanie, Ontario

“After talking to Michael I feel better about the days ahead. I really enjoyed that he was reassuring and answered any and all of my questions. He gave a lot of good advice and sent me follow-up notes which I often read. I would recommend Michael’s coaching to others who want to talk to someone who has been through the healing process themselves and is on the other side.”

"Michael meets you right where you are at in the process, and draws on his own experience as well as study to give tried and true recommendations for moving forward."

Jenna, California

Ryan, South Carolina

“There are so few people who understand withdrawal healing, and its paramount to speak to someone [like Michael] who’s been there. During my time with Michael, I particularly enjoyed hearing that withdrawal doesn’t need to be all black and white: listen to your body and don’t limit your life. Continue to keep on living during difficult times. I enjoy Michael’s message of hope and healing, and as a fellow believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I also enjoy his faith based approach. Absolutely I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Jennifer, Texas

“I found Michael to be incredibly easy to talk to and I appreciated his calm and non-judgmental approach. He is very knowledgeable about all of the various ways that medication discontinuation and withdrawal can manifest, and he was open to hearing what I was needing rather than offering some canned approach about what would or wouldn’t help me. The fact that Michael has gone through a challenging withdrawal experience himself helps him to approach his work and others with humility, compassion, and patience, and I would absolutely recommend his coaching to others.”

Thomas, Australia

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I felt alone and wanted someone who had gone through the healing process to help and guide me. I enjoy the feedback Michael sends in his follow-up notes, and his support in reminding me that this process is temporary and that there is a better life after antidepressants. I would absolutely recommend his coaching to others.”

Matt, North Carolina

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching after reading about his [personal withdrawal and healing] experience and also reading good reviews about his coaching online. It can be valuable to speak with someone who has already “been there and done that.” Michael is cool, calm, and collected, and his follow-up notes are great as well.”

Jenna, California

“Michael’s approach [to healing] is balanced and positive, seeking to lift people up and send the message that this can and has been done and is totally worth it. What I value most about my coaching time with Michael is that he meets you right where you are at in the process and draws on his own experience as well as study to give tried and true recommendations for moving forward. He also offers reassurance that you most definitely are not alone in what you are going through. As a member of Michael’s Support & Success community, I immediately read or watch any new content that he puts out, as that has really pulled me through some tough and scary times. I consider my time with Michael very helpful, and I highly recommend his services, both the coaching and support community.

Denise, Florida

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching to find reassurance during withdrawal. I enjoyed his positive [and faith-based] suggestions. We are not alone, and Michael reiterated how we can carry through withdrawal with the help of Jesus. I would recommend his coaching to others.”

"Without reservation I would recommend Michael’s coaching to others in need. I firmly believe that any individual struggling with  withdrawal, in whatever stage of the journey, would be greatly, healthily influenced by Michael and his content, which in my opinion is worth its weight in gold.”

Loomis, Seattle

Morra Lal, Illinois

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I knew he had gone through what I went through. That part is very important because so many institutions deny the existence of psychiatric drug withdrawal. In his videos, Michael offered hope, understanding and explicitly spoke of his own recovery process. And in his coaching, Michael took meticulous notes and spoke directly to my concerns. It was his notes that helped me survive withdrawal. I had them pinned to my wall and read them every day until I started feeling better. I bought one of his books as well and underlined parts that spoke to me and helped me survive. Getting through the tough part of withdrawal is huge, and Michael offered that space to believe in the future. I have already recommended his coaching to others in need.”


Carol, Illinois

“I found Michael’s website a couple of years ago and signed up to receive his monthly newsletters. Everything he has written has been calming and uplifting for me, and I decided to try his coaching since I figured I needed to talk to a knowledgeable person who had recovered. Also, his spiritual beliefs were a great comfort to me. Michael helped me to look a bit differently at the withdrawal and healing process. Now I think that I’m not as neurologically injured as I thought I was, but rather I can see how my system goes through periods where it is sensitive to one thing or another. I know I have to focus on “setbacks” being temporary, and I must remember that I’ve come a long way in healing and will improve once again. [We also talked about spiritual faith and healing], and I found Michael’s advice [to simplify my spiritual focus] by only concentrating on the four Gospels right now helpful. Michael is genuinely concerned and encouraging, and he listens really well. He has a wonderful gift from God. After talking with Michael I feel more hopeful and not as confused. His follow-up note are very helpful as well, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Anthony, New Jersey

“At the beginning of my journey, I found Michael’s videos on YouTube and found his message inspiring and hopeful. In coaching, I enjoyed his calm and pleasant demeanor. He always has helpful tips and truly understands the experience in a way that most medical professionals don’t. I would absolutely recommend Michael’s coaching to others.”

Tony, California

“Michael pays attention and has a calm demeanor, and I would absolutely recommend his coaching.”

Loomis, Washington

“As I work with Michael in his coaching and his support group, I enjoy the sense of camaraderie. I know his [support group] posts are intended to reach a wide number of individuals, struggling with different phases of withdrawal (be it tapering, acute, or protracted), but I always feel that his writings and videos speak directly to me. It feels like talking with an old friend about a shared experience, even though that experience is difficult and can have frightening aspects. Michael has a real gift for communicating complex things in a very open and inclusive way. It’s like he is talking not just to my wounded brain, but also to my healing heart.

Bhavish, California

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching his presentation is one of positivity. Also, he’s been in our shoes already, having already crossed the “devilish route” of withdrawal. He now has the heart to guide others, and I would of course recommend his coaching to others.”

"Within the first session I felt comfortable opening up to Michael and really sharing. He listens first, and his coaching makes sense. There is so much misguided information out there, but Michael has become the source of truth for me in this journey!"

Frank, Illinois

Brooks, Illinois

“I enjoyed Michael’s relatability and even temperament. Being able to find someone that can relate when I describe what it is I’ve been going through is such a blessing. And even more of a blessing was being able to get feedback and support through a trusted, honest, faith-based lens. It’s hard to find people that truly understand the challenges one faces with psych drug discontinuation,. I truly feel that Michael is doing the Lord’s work, and I would absolutely—no doubt about it—recommend his coaching to others, allowing more people to see the love of Christ through him and his services.”

Adam, Kentucky

“I decided to begin working with Michael after unsuccessfully trying one therapist locally, as well as two other psychiatrists, neither of whom had information nor wanted to acknowledge SSRI withdrawal. I was in a very low spot and needed to speak with someone who had been through the process and was on the other side, as it’s extremely hard to discuss this situation with people not familiar with the process. Michael has a great demeanor, and we were able to really discuss what I was experiencing. I enjoy the emails (follow-up notes) he sends after sessions, and the feedback he provides. Also, his videos which supplement his coaching also helped to give me the strength I needed when times were low. I absolutely would recommend Michael’s coaching to others, and already have!”

Raymond, Virginia

“Michael is kind and reassuring and a great, non-judgemental listener. He is very encouraging! I contacted him because I am going through the process of tapering two medications, and am already in recovery from a Seroquel taper in the past. I’d had some symptoms crop up that were in debate as to their cause, and I wanted to get Michael’s input as well as some reassurance on healing. Talking with Michael helped me to know that my current approach and plans are reasonable. He helped me to get over the hump where I was stuck, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

Frank, Illinois

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching when I was struggling with getting off prescription medications, along with some of the mental health challenges that can come with that. I wanted to work with Michael because he had direct personal experience with the same challenges I was going through, and he came out on the other side stronger than ever. There are a lot of doctors and counselors out there, but very few that have a deep understanding of this situation.

“I enjoy Michael’s authenticity and non-judgemental approach. Within the first session, I felt comfortable opening up to him and really sharing what’s going on. He listens first and his coaching makes sense, but isn’t pushy. Also, I really appreciate the detail he puts into his follow-up notes. I can use those notes to look back on what we discussed and reflect further, which allows me to reinforce my learning between sessions and into the future.

“I would absolutely recommend Michael’s coaching to others. I believe he can help a wide variety of people, and I would tell anyone who is trying to come off prescription medications to talk to him immediately. There is a growing population of people struggling with this, and so much misguided information out there. But Michael has become the source of truth for me in this journey!”

Melissa, California

“[When I began working with Michael], trust was established when initially trust seemed impossible after my trauma dealing with medical professionals. This is a huge step toward healing! I needed urgent support with my Paxil taper, and what Michael said in his videos made a lot more sense than what doctors were telling me. His coaching provides comfort and desperately needed support—common sense in chaos! Michael is a great listener, and I like how I can ask him questions about his own experience (I also really like the follow-up notes he sends after sessions). I feel comforted having someone who knows exactly what they are talking about, and I would absolutely recommend Michael’s coaching to others!”










Laurel, Washington

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching when I was about seven months into Prozac withdrawal. Although I was seeing some progress, my mind just couldn’t seem to stop ruminating on the negatives of the situation. Also, I don’t personally know anyone who has been through SSRI withdrawal, and the thought of someone understanding my symptoms and not just telling me to go talk to my doctor was appealing. I’ve enjoyed working with Michael because he gives me tasks and coping mechanisms to get through the tough times. It’s nice to have someone to talk to that doesn’t get sick of hearing about withdrawal, and it also helps to hear that everything will be okay, [especially during times] when it doesn’t feel that way to me. I would absolutely recommend Michael’s coaching to others!”









"Michael is kind and thoughtful, and I love how he sends follow-up notes after sessions. He really helps to guide me toward positive perspectives and away from traps, and I would 1000 percent recommend his coaching to others!"

Brad, California

Brad, California

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because he approaches tapering from a unique perspective. He is both positive and realistic, and what he brings to the experience from a male point-of-view is refreshing.  Michael is so kind and thoughtful, and I love how he sends follow-up notes after our sessions. He really helps to guide me toward positive perspectives and away from traps, and I would 1000 percent recommend his coaching to others!”


“Michael’s coaching was recommended to me by another client of his, someone who had been very encouraged by his positivity and ability to offer hope. I have enjoyed talking to Michael in coaching because he has experienced withdrawal himself and knows firsthand how hard and traumatizing it can be. He is better than a traditional therapist, because a therapist who hasn’t been through this will not fully get it [and might even look upon the client with judgement] – labeling them as a victim, not fully part of society, or mentally ill. I don’t feel any of this judgement with Michael. He sees me as a human being, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”


“I try to engage with some positive content every day. I had found some of Michael's YouTube videos really helpful, so I was keen to hear more from him [and purchased his Healing Mindset course]. Since finishing the course the first time, I've worked my way through it over and over again. One of the lessons that really resonated with me was that about making changes, because I could relate it to my own changes I was making. I have been encouraged by the way Michael shares (it makes me feel less alone), and I would definitely recommend his course to others."

Carolyn, Florida

“No doctor or therapist can accomplish what Michael is doing for me and my healing. I finally found what I was looking for! A coach who has been there is exactly what I needed, and Michael is now there for me every step on this journey.

In the past, when I was waiting to speak to a therapist or waiting to see an MD, my anxiety skyrocketed. When speaking with Michael , it’s the opposite! It’s something I look forward to, with no anxiety at all. He is so calm, and he is knowledgeable in this field of healing. It gives me tremendous peace knowing that I am in good hands with him.

Without a second thought I would recommend Michael and his services to others. There is no one out there that will help in the way he does!”

Dax, Norway

“Michael is a beacon of hope in a hopeless landscape. When I saw his videos, I understood that he was seemingly the only person on the internet with the message: “You will heal.” For some reason, every other person on the internet is trying to convince everyone that this withdrawal is permanent. Michael’s videos got me through very hard times!

The fact that Michael has been through withdrawal himself creates a trust that can’t be matched. Because he’s been through it and survived, everything he says is valuable. Also, I enjoy his positive message and practical tips in coaching. I would recommend his coaching to others and already have!”









Selema, Texas

“I decided to try Michael's coaching because I was increasingly confused by my thoughts and emotions while withdrawing from Paxil after twenty-four years of use. I’d watched his videos, which always gave me comfort, and I needed reassurance that what I was feeling was something perhaps others had felt or were experiencing. Also, the fact that Michael and I shared the same faith allowed me to reach out.

Michael has the experience of working with others in coaching, which is comforting, and I enjoyed the reassurance and feedback that I received from him. I would recommend his services to others.”

"Michael's coaching is one-of-a-kind. He is trustworthy, a believer, and skilled at assisting in crisis situations. He took me out of disabling fear and gave me the confidence to keep going!"


Timothy, North Carolina

“Doctors were of no help to me and most of what I read on the internet was negative, but Michael was able to give me a more positive perspective. Michael’s Healing Mindset course has a lot of positive messaging and motivational videos I can watch when I’m having a bad day, and in one-on-one coaching I’ve enjoyed having someone to talk to that understands much of what I’m going through. I would recommend Michael’s support to others.”

Meghan, California

“Michael’s coaching is one-of-a-kind. He has knowledge and wisdom attained from personal struggle, and he is proof that this can be conquered. Michael is relatable, trustworthy, a believer, and skilled at assisting in crisis situations while remaining composed and reassuring. He sees symptoms as a sign of healing rather than a permanent disability. Michael can normalize the confusion of the mental and emotional torment in withdrawal, and with ease he was able to redirect my plans and strategies. He also highlighted my strengths and boosted my confidence. Talking with Michael took me out of a disabling fear, and gave me the confidence to keep going! Michael gave me relatable guidance and a road map to follow, and I would recommend his coaching and courses to others.”

Chris, Georgia

“I decided to try Michael’s coaching services because I needed support going through antidepressant withdrawal. I enjoy Michael’s knowledge, understanding, and spiritual perspective, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”


“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I was looking to talk to someone who’d been through the withdrawal and anxiety experience before. I was looking for some perspective and hope. I enjoyed the experience and perspective that Michael was able to offer me. I think when you go through something as challenging as medication withdrawal and recovery it’s super important to have someone to speak with who understands what you’re going through. Chatting with Michael gave me hope, encouragement and support, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”


“I am roughly 3 years from cold turkey Zoloft 100mg and Abilify. Three days after quitting, I could barely function. It’s almost unbearable to look back at the symptoms and pain I experienced. Luckily I found Michael, and I used him as my coach after about a month of suffering. Michael provided comfort, perspective and hope. I contemplated going back on because I thought I was damaged beyond repair. We discussed and came to the conclusion to keep moving forward. Slowly I started to heal. After awhile, I could function. After more time I started to thrive. I feel no effects as I sit here today. I work, exercise, eat healthy as I can, and work on my relationship with God. I’m a very active participant in life. If you are struggling, I recommend using Michael as a coach.”


“I decided to try Michael’s coaching because I was looking for some insight and guidance about how to deal with my situation. I wanted to talk with someone who could understand what I’m going through. I appreciated Michael’s patience, attentiveness, and kindness, and I would recommend his coaching to others.”

"I enjoy Michael's knowledge, understanding, and spiritual perspective."

Chris, Georgia

Scott, Texas

“My sister and brother-in-law recommended Michael to me when I was living with them temporarily; they were looking for help for me when I was not in a condition to do it for myself. I felt that Michael’s story has many parallels to my own and my time with him has been helpful. I would definitely recommend his coaching services to anyone in need.”

James, United Kingdom

“I think that everyone going through this healing process would benefit greatly from Michael’s services. I always feel more positive and hopeful after a call with him, and his follow-up notes are so previous during any difficult moments between calls. I see Michael as key to keeping me on track during my healing journey, and I have already recommended his coaching services to others.”


“Everyone going through withdrawal needs someone to really listen to them, show compassion, and offer guidance. Michael did these things. I felt like he had a firm grasp on exactly what I was experiencing, and I would absolutely recommend his coaching to others.”