Lovely Protien Pancake Recipe
Mar 16, 2022
At just 48 calories and a whopping 5.5 grams of protein per pancake, this delicious recipe is a high-energy option to get any day started. Top your stack with protein yogurt, assorted fruit, sugar-free syrup, and fat-free cool whip for an unforgettable (and unbelievably healthy) breakfast experience.
Over the course of the past years, I’ve done a complete 180 when it comes to daytime eating. Whereas I once saw it as a recipe for drowsiness, I now see it for what it is—energy—and I can’t survive without a large, high-energy breakfast. The following protein pancake recipe is one that I created to stay full and light at the same time, and it really is my go-to breakfast most days of the week. I love it—I look forward to enjoying it in the morning—and I hope that you’ll enjoy it, too.
Lovely Protein Pancakes
* Recipe makes about 35 pancakes
* Nutrition info: 48 calories/5.5 grams protein per pancake
4 Dannon Light & Fit Vanilla 80-calorie Greek Yogurts (or about 21 ounces of any low-fat Greek vanilla yogurt)
1.5 cups 30-calorie Vanilla Almond Milk
4 Eggs
½ Tsp. Vanilla Extract
1 Cup White or Whole Wheat Flour
5 scoops Vanilla Flavored Whey Protein Powder (Optimal Nutrition brand preferred)
5 Tsp. Baking Powder (Kraft Calumet brand preferred)
4 Tsp. Baking Soda
1 Tsp. salt (Himalayan pink salt is good)
½ Tbsp. Nestle mini chocolate chips (4-5 chips added to each pancake as it is placed on griddle)
"Soulful living means cooking beautiful meals for yourself & the people you love."
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